Draw and Paint the Asian Games with Imagination


To deepen Hong Kong students’ understanding of the spirit and culture of the Asian Games, and allow them to show their support for their favorite sports or athletes, the Hong Kong Olympic Fan Club (HKOFC), under the Sports Federation and Olympic Committee of Hong Kong, China (SF&OC), organized the “Hangzhou 19th Asian Games Drawing Contest”. The Contest, open for Hong Kong students aged 7 to 13 to participate, aimed at encouraging students to channel their imagination and creativity into a drawing themed on the Asian Games. The subject can be the sports of the Hangzhou Asian Games or athletes of Team Hong Kong, China practicing the sports.


Joining the Hon. Kenneth FOK, Vice President of SF&OC, Chairman of HKOFC cum Chef de Mission of the Hong Kong, China Delegation to the Hangzhou Asian Games, as the judging panel are two outstanding artists in Hong Kong: Mr. LAM Tian Xing, Chairman of the Hong Kong Artists Association, and Ms. Prudence MAK, a renowned designer. They picked the best 10 entries and sent to the Olympic Council of Asia (OCA) for the 2nd round of selection. The top four drawings selected will be displayed at the Hangzhou Main Press Centre or the OCA Headquarters Hotel during the Games.


The Best 10 Drawings (Title in Chinese only)


鍾令欣 CHUNG Ling Yan
潘彥彤 Hermione POON
朱殷希 CHU Yan Hei
鄧梓霖 TANG Tsz Lam
陳可霖 CHAN Jacey Megan
陳嘉羿CHEN JiaYi
《香港健兒赴亞運 維港西湖心相對》
王景霖 WONG King Lam
林俊廷 LAM Chun Ting
李文謙 LEE Man Him
賴博淵 LAI Pok Yuan